Induction Training

There are a number of topics which need to go into a general OHS induction session:

  • OHS Legislation: Overview of the OHS Act, including duties of all parties; consultative arrangements (the OHS reps and the committees); key regulations and codes of practice (those which are most relevant for your workplace)
  • workplace policies and procedures (including the bullying/harassment policy; procedures to report hazards, incidents, injuries, and near misses; equal opportunity; hazardous substances; etc)
  • what are the Designated Work Groups and who the OHS reps are
  • major potential hazards in the workplace, potential effects, how to identify them, and how they are controlled in the workplace
  • first aid arrangements, including who the first aiders are
  • emergency evacuation procedures
  • brief workers' comp and rehab rights
Obviously on top of this, each worker will require training specific to their job to ensure that they can do the job in a healthy and safe manner and know all the relevant procedures and so on.

Last amended September 2014