Call Centres
For much more information and lots of reso
urces, go to the Hazards section of the site - Call Centres
Contract Cleaning
WorkSafe Victoria: Cleaning Industry topic page. WorkSafe has a number of useful publications on OHS issues for cleaning - for example: Using caustic cleaners
from the Queensland government Cleaning industry: Hazard identification checklist [pdf]
The Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell - has a surface cleaning online database called CleanerSolutions. The free, interactive web-based tool helps manufacturers find safer cleaning alternatives that perform as well as hazardous chemicals - without increasing risks. The database has over 10 years of performance testing results combined with health and environment indicators. The system helps companies understand how to choose alternatives so that overall risks to workers and the environment are reduced.
'The occupational health and safety of cleaning workers' (October 2009) a literature review from the Bilbao-based European Agency (EU-OSHA), 'provides an overview of the most important issues related to occupational safety and health (OSH) for cleaning workers in terms of working conditions, risks and prevalence of exposures and health outcomes, and identifies information gaps and challenges.' It says studies on work-related diseases indicate that musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory diseases including asthma, skin diseases and mental ill-health are the most common work-related health problems found in cleaners, and suggests there is a higher prevalence of health problems in cleaning workers than in other sectors. The report also considers the impact of factors like contract cleaning and domestic and undeclared cleaning work.
Hairdressing/Beauty industry
From WorkSafe: Hairdressing & Beauty: The Management of Hazardous Substances - a 29 page document [pdf] which includes a sample register and risk assessments of the following: Acid/Alkaline Perms, Shampoos and Conditioners, Hair Dyes & Colours, Peroxide Solutions, Powder Bleach, Hair Sprays, Nail Products.
From WorkSafe: Management of hazardous substances in the hairdressing and beauty industry
Decreased lung function, breast cancer, miscarriage, depression and neurological disease - these are just a few of the health and disease risks that salon workers disproportionately face while on the job. This is according to a report released in November 2014 by Women's Voices for the Earth, a non-profit working to eliminate toxic chemicals from workplaces, homes and communities, on the impact of toxic chemicals within the beauty and personal care industry. "Beauty and Its Beast: Unmasking the Impact of Toxic Chemicals on Salon Workers" [pdf] highlights decades of research on beauty care workers and proposes a number of recommendations and policy solutions for creating healthier working conditions.
From the UK's government regulator, the HSE, a webpage and information on dermatitis in Hairdressing. The HSE says that up to 70% of hairdressers suffer from skin damage.
From the European Union for Health and Safey - a Factsheet [pdf]
Hospitality Industry
From WorkSafe Victoria:
- Hospitality Industry topic page.
- Advice for Managing Major Events Safely [pdf] - a 64 page publication that provides practical information to major event organisers, venue owners and suppliers about the management of safety risks and meeting their duty of care through integrated event safety planning. The publication adopts a risk management approach to safety at major events.
- Managing health and safety in Food Retail - a handbook for the Franchise Industry [pdf]
- From Work Safe Western Australia an OSH checklist for the catering industry
- From the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work, a webpage HORECA: The Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Sector, with resources on risks and how to prevent them. The sector is one of the fastest growing in Europe, with more than 7.8 million people employed in 2004. As in Australia, jobs tend to be temporary, with irregular hours, low pay and few career prospects. There is a high proportion of young people working in the sector.
Security Industry
- Cash in Transit - 32 page publication outlining practical guidance for Cash In Transit (CIT) employers, and duties of designers, managers, contractors and employees. The publication covers risk management, safety and security risk assessment, vehicles and robbery.
- Another, related publication is Armed hold-ups and cash handling - Transferring cash - providing a solution for small businesses being targeted for robberies when transferring cash to the bank.
Retail Sector
WorkSafe Industry topic page: Retail
From Queensland Health and Safety: Retail and Wholesale Industry site
From the UK's HSE, a free online toolkit on managing violence for retail and licensed premises.
SafeWork Australia: Retail Industry webpage
From the UK retail union: Late-Night Working - Preventing Violence to Staff (pdf) The union says its reps are at the heart of its 'Freedom from Fear' campaign - which has some useful materials.
Service stations
WorkSafe has produced a number of relevant 'Injury Hotspots' such as hotspots for Tyre Fitters, and Slips, Trips and Falls.
The Service Station Safety website has been developed in cooperation between the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) and the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC) to provide practical advice to the independent service station industry relating to Occupational Health and Safety matters. Resources on the site include checklist, products trialled and much more.
Last amended July 2017
Important Service Industry Information
General information on Infectious Diseases
Legionnaires disease
Needlestick Injuries
- Sprains and strains