Office Administration

It is sometimes said that workers who are employed in offices or in administration work in 'safe' workplaces.  However, these workers face a number of hazards - some of which have potentially very serious effects on their health and/or safety.

There has been plenty of research which shows that unionised and organised  workplaces have a better OHS record than un-unionised sites as these sites are far more likely to have well-trained and resourced elected OHS Reps, joint OHS Committees and support from the union.  This applies not only to traditional 'blue collar' workplaces, but in offices too.

Offices - what OHS legislation applies?
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004) applies to all workplaces, as do the regulations and most of the Codes of Practice (note, following a code of...
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Offices: Temperature and humidity - what are the 'rules'?
Complaints about air-conditioning and heating in offices (and other workplaces) are very common - it is either too hot or too cold; the temperature varies...
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Air quality in the office
Office air quality can be affected by various sources, including odors and microbiological or chemical contaminants. The following are some recommendations from WorkSafe's Office Health and...
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Lighting in the office
Human eye can adapt pretty well and quickly to different lighting conditions, but some tasks in the workplace have recommended levels of lighting in order...
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