More information on Noise - links, documents and more:
- Summary of Part 3.2 - Noise of the Victorian OHS Regulations on this website. You can access the entire regulations from a link on the summary page. WorkSafe Victoria has announced it will be developing a Compliance Code for Noise in the next year.
- WorkSafe Victoria's webpage on Noise, and various publications, including a number of new documents on Noise Control:
- Noise is one of the hazards in the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations,and there is also a model Code of Practice.
- The model regulations can be downloaded from this page of the Safe Work Australia website.
- Safe Work has also published a Guide to the Model Regulations.
- Model Code of Practice Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at Work
- From WA a noise code for the music industry - while the guidance refers specifically to WA noise regulations, it provides useful information in relation to all workers employed in the entertainment industry. The code applies to entertainment venues that play either live or recorded music that play music at levels likely to exceed the exposure standard for noise. Code of Practice - Control of Noise in the music entertainment industry (2003)
- Call Centre information on this website (for information on Acoustic shock)
- A TUC (UK's peak union council) guide: Noise at work - a guide for health and safety representatives [pdf]
- The UK's Health and Safety Executive has revamped its Noise At Work website. When the UK introduced new Noise regulations on 6 April, 2006, it produced clear and very useful information for employers, workers and worker representatives. Also from the HSE:
- a useful free pocket card Noise: don't lose your hearing! with notes on good practice. It is available in English and twenty other languages.
- Sound advice: Control of noise at work in music and entertainment - provides specific advice to this industry
- a tool which demonstrates the usefulness of and need for wearing hearing protection
- Canada's Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has a very useful Fact Sheet on Hearing Protectors.
Last amended May 2017
More Items
Why is noise a problem?
What are the effects of noise on workers?
Is noise a problem in your workplace
and what should you do about it?
Noise Exposure Standard