There are many websites with information on radiation. Here are a few:
EMFacts Consultancy This Australian site, run by consultant Don Maisch, has a number of factsheets on 50 and 60 Hertz(Hz) Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) from electricity and Radio-frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) from telecommunications. It also has a list of useful links.
Victorian Department of Human Services Environment Health Information Radiation webpage - the website has information on legislation, the radiation safety program, and more.
Powerwatch - this UK organisation is independent ofgovernment and industry, whose charter is to gather information on EMFs from around the world and make it available for non-technical people.
Microwave News: a comprehensive sourceof the latest news and opinion on low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Electrosensitive Society - a very comprehensive site for information on the condition of Electrosensitivity as well as links to other sites (in English)
- The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency - note however, that this organisation is the official Australian Government agency and tends take the line that there insufficient evidence of negative health effects of much of the EMR spectrum.
- EMR Australia - a commercial site which provides information, services and products
Last amended August 2019