There is a great deal of information on the internet. Try the following:
Relevant regulations:
The Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2001
The Health (Legionella) Regulations 2001
The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2008 - which include requirements for the regulation of cooling towers and warm water systems for the control of Legionella.
For detailed information about these Regulations go to Victorian Legislation and Parliament Documents website and search them under Victorian Law Today, Statutory Rules, and Health.
- WorkSafe webpage on Infectious Diseases
Further information on infectious diseases can be obtained from community and public health offices. One example is the Department of Health website, which has information on a large number of infectious disease.Particularly useful are:
- A - Z of diseases: Disease information and advice
- Infection control - standard and transmission-based precautions
The National Code of Practice for the Control of Work-related Exposure to Hepatitis and HIV (blood-borne) Viruses [NOHSC: 2010 (2003) 2nd Edition], was declared in December 2003, and is available to download from the Safe Work Australia. The code provides practical guidance for the management of exposure to HBV, HCV and HIV in the workplace. The code is designed to be applicable to all workplaces.z
Also from Safe Work Australia:- a report (downloads as a document) on occupational diseases, from 2014
National Hazard Exposure Worker Surveillance: Exposure to Biological Hazards and the Provision of Controls Against Biological Hazards in Australian Workplaces
- Childcare:
A publication from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC): Staying Healthy in Child Care - Preventing infectious diseases in child care. (5th Edition). The publications includes, as an appendix, a table on the Recommended minimum exclusion periods for infectious conditions for schools, pre-schools and child care centres. Also downloadable from this page are guidelines, posters and other information.
- Managing exposures to blood and body fluids or substances: A resource by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.
Your union
A UK Health & Safety Executive Dangerous Pathogens website with a range of leaflets available to download, including Infection at work: Controlling the risks especially aimed at those who may be incidentally exposed to biological agents during the course of their work, such as farmers, refuse collectors and cleaners and leaflets on dangerous pathogens.
- the Health and Safety Executive also has a Biosafety webpage - which has information on a range of topics;
Bats; from Work Cover Queensland a 2014 film on Safe Bat Handling as well as an Australian bat lyssavirus and handling bats document [pdf]Health Hazards Associated with Bird and Bat Droppings from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Avian Flu
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services: Information pages on Avian Flu - provide background information, advice to employers and employees who may have to travel overseas, and several links to more information, such as the World Health Organisation.
HSE guide on Avian flu for health workers - a guide for health workers working with the avian flu virus Working with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus
Other sources of information:
World Health Organisation (WHO) Influenza at the Human-Animal interface
IUF (International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations) Briefing paper on Avian flu and workers [pdf], Avian Influenza H5N1: An Occupational Health, Safety and Rights Issue for Food and Agricultural Workers and Avian Influenza (H5N1) and the Food Chain: The link between workers' rights, working conditions, food safety and public health
Zoonoses generally
- Information from the World Health Organisation: Zoonoses and Veterinary Public Health
Last amended March 2015