There are a number of groups which provide information and support to people with asbestos-related conditions and their families. Contact them for more information. The first two are Victorian.
- Asbestos Council of Victoria (GARDS)
Asbestos Council of Victoria/Gippsland Asbestos Related Diseases Support Inc: its logo incorporates the two names ACV/GARDS. The main office is located in Gippsland and is a not for profit, charitable organisation. In addition to its work with asbestos and asbestos-related diseases, it also incorporates silica sufferers and their families into the organisation.
The Asbestos Council of Victoria/GARDS Inc. has an elected Committee of Management which governs the affairs of the organisation comprising of volunteers and paid staff members. It provides a range of community awareness and support programs. ACV/GARDS conducts 2 monthly support group meetings one in Gippsland and one at Chadstone as well as a monthly evening organisational meeting. ACV/GARDS provides information and support 24/7, and produces a quarterly newsletter. It has an office in Gippsland where the general public can access information and support 5 days a week – during COVID restrictions this office has remained opened to the public and sufferers. ACV/GARDS provides medical equipment to asbestos & Silica sufferers in the Gippsland community with oxygen concentrators, conserving devices, nebulisers, wheel chairs etc. At this present time during COVID restrictions it is conducting support group sessions by zoom for details of this contact the office for details to join.
211 Lloyd St, Moe, Postal address: PO Box 111 Moe, Vic. 3825
Ph. 0351277744, Website, or Email: [email protected] -
The Bernie Banton Foundation has also much reduced its activities. It now provides information only - it is no longer a support organisation. This is the organisation's website.
The Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia has asbestos information and other services.
ADS is a caring, non-profit, charitable organisation founded in 1979. It provides counselling and support services to those who develop asbestos-related diseases and their families; economic assistance to those who suffer financial hardship or social disadvantage as a result of contracting asbestos-related illness; lobbying and advocacy in asbestos-related matters; fundraising for medical research and support services for asbestos diseases victims and their families; raising community awareness of the dangers associated with asbestos in the community, and providing information.
Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia
The foundation was founded to represent the needs and interests of asbestos disease victims, through information exchange, support networks, referral to medical and legal help and lobby efforts. The organisation is based in Sydney, but can provide information, etc to anyone seeking it.
Asbestos Disease Support Society
ADSS is an organisation of people who have an asbestos related disease, their families, friends and carers as well as unions, asbestos industry representatives and related government departments. The Society, which is self-funded, and not for profit, focuses on creating awareness and supporting the growing number of sufferers of asbestos related disease now and into the future. It works closely with medical and legal professionals experienced in asbestos related diseases.
And from overseas - There are many more international organisations - go to this page for more links.
Last amended September 2020