It is illegal to dispose of asbestos waste at other sites, in household rubbish bins, or skips.
Asbestos waste can only be disposed of at facilities licensed by the Environment Protection Authority to accept asbestos waste. It is illegal to dispose of asbestos in the normal rubbish collection, and a crime to dump it in the street, or on vacant land. Dumping asbestos illegally creates a risk to the public.
The EPA has information on their website - including details of landfill sites which accept asbestos waste. Some sites take only commercial waste, others take domestic waste as well.
Before taking any waste materials to any of the places listed on the site, however, it is recommended that you check that the company/site still accepts asbestos wastes. Note that there is usually a cost associated with disposing the waste.
You can access other information the Victorian EPA's About Asbestos webpage - such as advice on how to wrap and transport the material. Telephone (03) 9695 2722.
Even easier!!
In August 2014, the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) made available details of asbestos disposal facilities from all states and territories were now available on the agency website. By typing in a home's street address details the service will then locate where the closest asbestos disposal facilities are is located. ASEA disposal facilities search service. Note though that this information may not have been updated recently.
More information
- List of VTHC Removalists on this site, for removalists who are approved by WorkSafe and have also agreed to abide by the VTHC Code of Conduct.
- WorkSafe Victoria - for all approved asbestos removal companies and enquiries relating to removal work carried out in the workplace or home by an approved asbestos removalist: Telephone (03) 9641 1444, Toll-free 1800 136 089. WorkSafe has a database with all removalists listed. Also a leaflet: Asbestos-contaminated soil (EPA / Worksafe publication)
- Asbestos in the Home - on this site, for information regarding working with and disposing of asbestos.
- Department of Human Services (Environmental Health Unit) - for inquiries relating to potential public health effects of asbestos, including in the home: Telephone: (03) 96374156
- Your Local Council (Chief Environmental Health Officer) - for inquiries or complaints regarding the incorrect removal or disposal or asbestos in your neighbourhood. (Refer to the phone directory)
- Asbestos - useful websites and documents
- Renters and asbestos Renters face particular problems if they suspect they have asbestos in the home.
Last amended June 2020