Risk factors identified for serious arm condition
European researchers have identified three occupational biomechanical exposures that can cause radial tunnel syndrome, a common and costly nerve entrapment condition similar to carpal tunnel syndrome.
In a study of 229,707 male construction workers, the researchers from Sweden's Umeå University and other European and US bodies found those exposed to elevated levels of hand-grip forces and hand-arm vibration were the most likely to have undergone surgery to release radial tunnel entrapment at a 13-year follow up.
They also found that repetitive elbow and wrist flexion and extension were associated with the risk of decompression surgery, but to a lesser degree. The rate of this surgery among construction workers was 30 per cent higher than the general population. Previous research found the condition was associated with industrial textiles work, television, shoe and car manufacturing, brick laying, fitting, machine operating and telephone operations
Read more: Jennie Jackson, et al, Occupational biomechanical risk factors for radial nerve entrapment in a 13-year prospective study among male construction workers. Full article [pdf] Occupational and Environmental Medicine, online first March 2019 doi: 10.1136/oemed-2018-105311. Source: OHS Alert