The OHS Compliance Framework (Act, Regs, Compliance Codes)

The main piece of legislation which covers occupational health and safety in most Victorian workplaces is the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2004To read more detail about the Act, click the "read more" link under the OHS Act heading below. 

As well as the Act, there are the consolidated Regulations and Compliance Codes (progressively replacing the old Codes of Practice). Regulations are law, and must be complied with, whereas codes are not law, but advice on how to comply. For an overview of the system, and more background information, see OHS and related information. 

In the overview you will also find information on related legislation, and a list of the regulations and codes of practice. A brief description of the regulations and codes under the OHS Act is also provided.  For more detailed information on each of regulations and the codes, see the relevant links in the boxes below.

Follow this link to download the latest copy of the OHS Act. You can also purchase hard copies on the same site by clicking the 'buy printed act' link.


Compliance Codes
Compliance codes, declared under the 2004 OHS Act, provide practical guidance to those who have duties or obligations under the Act. These now replace the...
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Overview of OHS and related legislation
There are a number of Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice which have relevance to the health and safety of workers in Victoria. This page...
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The  Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2017  were made on April 26, 2017, to take effect on June 18, 2017. These replace the 2007 regulations....
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The OHS Act
The main Act covering OHS in Victoria is the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.  The Act came into effect on July 1, 2005....
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