Physical Hazards are the most common type of workplaces hazard. They include the things that you can touch in your environment such as slips, trips, falls, ergonomic hazards, machinery, electrical hazards, ladders and many more. The pages below will provide you with a wealth of OH&S information to address physical hazards in your workplace.
Physical Hazards in the Workplace
Electrical Safety
Apart from being covered under the general duties of the OHS Act, there are laws and standards which apply specifically to electrical equipment.
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Sedentary work
Spending much of your time at work sitting down? So why would this be a problem? The technology now commonly used in workplaces has meant...
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Sprains and Strains - Manual Handling
Manual handling means the use of force by a person to lift, push, pull, carry, or otherwise restrain any object. It is more than just...
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Ergonomists take into account the design of systems, processes, equipment and the environment. They also consider the tasks and activities required by humans, making sure...
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Computers and Technology
In most jobs nowadays, you'll have to use a computer. There are many occupational health and safety hazards that come with using computers and technology....
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Slips, Trips and Falls
Slips, trips and falls result in thousands of injuries every year. Most common are musculoskeletal injuries, as well as cuts, bruises, fractures and dislocations. According...
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