There are many resources on the web specifically for OHS Reps. Here are just a few of the best:
On this website:
- A PIN: How to use it - reps can see when and how to use a PIN, a copy of which can be downloaded from this page
- a good general reference: Employee Representation
- Health and Safety Representatives page
- Overview of how inspectors deal with specific issues - This document provides information about how WorkSafe OHS inspectors deal with specific issues when performing their functions
- Hazards website - Hazards is an award-winning magazine for reps
Last updated April 2015
More FAQs
Facilities and Time Off
- what is an elected OHS Rep entitled to?
I've been given a duty statement..
as an OHS rep. Is that right?..
OHS reps and deputies...
... what is their role? Elected reps have a crucial role at the workplace... but what is it? And deputies?.
Privacy legislation
Does it affect my rights as an OHS rep?
More Items
OHS reps - your rights
Here's a summary of the rights reps have under the Victorian OHS Act, 2004
Discrimination for OHS reasons
The OHS provides protection to HSRs and other employees against discrimination.
Consultation - what does the employer have to do?
The Victorian OHS Act puts duties on the employer and the OHS rep to consult.
A PIN: How to use it
Help for reps on when and how to use PINs (Provisional Improvement Notices) - and links to downloading one.
Inspectors and PINs
What can an OHS rep expect from an inspector who comes to the workplace over a disputed PIN?
OHS Reps' Right to Training
Both the Victorian and the Commonwealth Occupational Health and Safety Acts give elected reps, and deputies, the right to attend training courses.
Accidents & Incidents - how should a rep react?
How should reps react when there's an accident or a serious incident at the workplace?