OHS Reps' duty to consult
The only exception to the requirement of following procedures to resolve issue, is where there is an "immediate threat" to the health and safety of any person. In these cases, either the OHS rep or the employer rep can "direct that the work shall cease". If possible, there should be consultation prior to this - but the Act acknowledges that this is not always possible.
Consultation Email Template
If your employer is not following their duty to consult under s35 of the OHS Act, one step HSRs can take is to send them an email requesting proper consultation. We've created this consultation email template to make your job easier. Click here to access the Consultation Email Template.
Last amended April 2015
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Facilities and Time Off
- what is an elected OHS Rep entitled to?...read more
I've been given a duty statement..
as an OHS rep. Is that right?...read more
My PIN is cancelled - what can I do?
What can a rep do if a WorkSafe inspector cancels a PIN?...read more
OHS reps and deputies...
... what is their role? Elected reps have a crucial role at the workplace... but what is it? And deputies?...read more
Privacy legislation
Does it affect my rights as an OHS rep?...read more
More Items
OHS reps - your rights
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Discrimination for OHS reasons
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A PIN: How to use it
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Inspectors and PINs
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OHS Reps' Right to Training
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Accidents & Incidents - how should a rep react?
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Resources for OHS Reps
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