Charter of Workplace Rights

The ACTU has launched new charter of workplace rights for occupational health and safety and workers' compensation that sets out the minimum health and safety and compensation standards.  The ACTU charter and also two versions of the same charter but with VTHC 'badging' can be downloaded here.

The ACTU is calling on all state and territory governments along with the Federal Government to adopt these minimum health and safety and compensation standards.
The Charter was launched by ACTU President Sharan Burrow, at the annual ACTU OHS and Compensation Seminar.  In launching the Charter, Ms Burrow said, "The health and safety of Australian workers is of paramount importance to the ACTU and the union movement and this charter spells out a decent set of minimum standards for workplace rights that can work in all workplaces across Australia.

"We are calling on every level of government to end the blame game on this issue and sign up to this charter of workplace rights which clearly outlines the best approach to ensuring Australian workers are as safe as they possibly can be at work.

"Today's seminar is about reclaiming health and safety and workers' compensation for working people, and this charter spells out the minimum standards.

"The charter includes the right of workers to be represented by trade unions on health and safety matters, the right to receive 100 per cent income replacement for an injury, and an absolute duty of care on employers to provide healthy and safe workplaces.

"Workers' rights, entitlements and protections are under threat from the raft of changes to safety and compensation laws introduced by the Howard Government.

"Governments, business and unions agree that there is a need for a nationally consistent approach to health and safety across the country, but the federal government is driving a race to the bottom.

"This charter provides a better, fairer and safer vision for health and safety in Australia and will assist all levels of government to harmonise their health and safety and workers' compensation legislation to the highest standards", said Ms Burrow.

Last updated April 2015

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