A study of almost 500 paramedics and ambulance workers across three states has highlighted a link between workplace management strategies and the health and wellbeing of ambulance employees. The study shows that 20% engaged in hazardous alcohol intake and 68% experienced insomnia.

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The study revealed that employees who perceive their organisations to have strong, accessible HR management systems alone, were no less likely to engage in hazardous alcohol consumption – those organisations that also had unanimous commitment among management, reported significantly lower rates of this behaviour and less insomnia.

When senior management and HR teams actively collaborate to set clear workplace expectations and allocate resources fairly, employees feel more supported, leading to reduced stress and healthier sleep patterns.

Paramedics and ambulance employees often experience traumatic situations and unpredictable work hours and shift work, leading to high stress levels and chronic sleep disturbances. In response, alcohol consumption can become a coping mechanism. Despite available support services, many ambulance personnel hesitate to seek help due to stigma and concerns about confidentiality, underscoring the need for organizational change.

Many large Australian ambulance organisations have elected to adopt the strategy of enhancing HR management systems, but the study indicates that such a strategy alone may not be effective in responding to hazardous drinking and insomnia among employees. Wide-reaching and inclusive approaches, such as motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy, with full commitment from all levels of management, are essential to effectively manage these issues.

Read more: Associations between employees’ alcohol consumption, insomnia and HR management strength | Occupational Medicine | Oxford Academic

Shiftwork - health effects - OHS Reps

Fatigue, Impairment and Shift-work: More info - OHS Reps

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