Those who read Safety Net would be aware that WorkSafe has recently released an updated publication, Office health and safety: A guide for employers. Previously titled Officewise, this guide is for people involved in office-related work, whether in traditional workplaces or from home. The name change enhances web search capability and reflects common terminology for office work.
Several new and enhanced sections reflecting the changes in office work over recent years include –
- a work from home section and a safety and well-being checklist – employers still have a duty to ensure that you are working in a safe environment. Preparing a risk control plan in consultation with the WFH employee can aid in identification and control of hazards such as inappropriate workstations, insufficient breaks, isolation, poor lighting and increased risk of domestic violence.
- a more detailed psychosocial hazard section including bullying, violence or aggression, and sexual harassment.
- information about hot-desking, addressing issues of suitability, productivity, discrimination and infection and hygiene.
- checklists for managing all aspects of office safety, setting up a workstation and working with computers
If you work in an office environment or have referred to the old Officewise in the past, we highly recommend that you have a read through the new version for up-to-date information.
You can find information about office work on our OHSReps page here Office Administration - OHS Reps