
If you have an OHS related event you would like us to advertise, please email Renata at [email protected] with details, including location, cost (if any), and where to RSVP.


Make sure you attend training provided either by your union or the VTHC! HSRs are elected by their fellow workers to represent them. We understand what HSRs need and have been training effective HSRs for many years. Remember that under Section 67 of the OHS Act, both HSRs and deputies have the right to attend the training course of their choice (in consultation with their employer).

The VTHC OHS Unit is now running courses in a number of new locations to cater for HSRs in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. This is in addition to courses in our usual locations. If you have any questions on the registration process or the courses themselves, send an email to Lisa Mott (or call her on 03 9659 3511). Below are the dates for the next few courses run by the VTHC OHS Training Centre. You can now register and pay directly from the site here.

HSR Initial OHS training course  

October 7 – 11: Frankston
October 14 – 18: Carlton
November 11 – 15: Carlton AND Bendigo
November 18 – 22: Werribee
November 25 – 29 (Education Sector ONLY): AEU Abbotsford
December 9 – 13: Carlton

HSR Refresher OHS Training Courses*

September 24 Carlton
October 23, Carlton
December 12 (Education Sector ONLY): AEU Abbotsford
December 16, Carlton

* HSRs are entitled to attend this course every year subsequent to attending the Initial OHS training course.

OHS Training at the ACTU

The ACTU (Australian Council of Trade unions) runs training courses in occupational/workplace health and safety. These are the upcoming courses in Melbourn

Part 1 14th – 16th October 2019  
Part 2 12th – 15th November 2019

The course will be delivered at the ACTU (VIC). 

For more information, phone Chris Hughes (03 9664 7389 Mon-Fri) or Anna Pupillo (03 9664 7334 Mon-Wed & Fri). ACTU health and safety training 

September 30: Southern Safety Group

The next meeting of the SSG will be held on Monday September 30. Guest speaker will be Caoimhe Geraghty speaking on UV Safety.

Skin cancer takes the lives of approximately 2,000 Australians per year. 200 melanomas and 34,000 non melanoma skin cancers are due to UV exposure at work and yet it is one of the most preventable cancers. Hear from Cancer Council Victoria’s Caoimhe Geraghty from the SunSmart team on UV as a workplace hazard, how it affects our health, how to protect workers from too much UV and checking for skin cancer. Hard copy resources will be provided

When: 3.00 pm (Check in at 2.30pm) to 5pm
Where: Surdex Steel: 46 Brooks Drive, Dandenong South

Members are free; Non-members $5.00. Annual Membership: $25.00; Corporate $50.00. RSVP to Gary Thexton via email [email protected]   

Next meeting: Monday October 28, Guest speaker: Laura Paulsen presenting "Building a healthy workplace".

October 10: Central Safety Group

Safety clutter – and what to do about it
Does OHS in your workplace feel weighed down by paperwork, rules and procedures? Dr David Provan says this can be due to ‘safety clutter’, described in a study he co-authored as "the accumulation of safety procedures, documents, roles and activities that are performed in the name of safety, but do not contribute to the safety of operational work." Worse, this can create negative beliefs and attitudes to safety, according to the research. David will talk about how to identify ‘safety clutter’, what to do about it and how to remove it in a lunchtime presentation to Central Safety Group on Thursday, 10 October.

Cutter can take the form of too many rules and procedures, duplication and ‘tick the box’ safety activities. This can include meetings, audits, observations and investigation processes that are not actually reducing the risk of safety incidents. David will explain how to ‘de-clutter’ without affecting legal compliance and certification. He says, “You then decide whether to remove, improve or re-engineer things in the ‘clutter’ category. Much of it involves cutting down on paperwork and time-consuming routines that are not adding value.”

When: 12:00-1:00pm, Thursday, 10 October, 2019
Where: DXC Technology, Level 19 (Board Room 1), 360 Collins Street, Melbourne (between Queen & Elizabeth Streets)
Cost: attendance members free, non-members $10
          Lunch (optional): sandwich and juice lunch $15
          [Individual membership fee for 2019: $70]

Book online. RSVP by close of business Friday 4 October, 2019

Nov 19 - 21 International Symposium on the system of radiological protestion
Mines - Medicine - Mars

ICRP 2019 is a combined event that offers the opportunity for more than 400 professionals, experts and researchers worldwide to discuss their respective concerns and the current challenges faced in all areas of radiological protection, as well as the ways forward through new research, updating doctrines, or better interactions with stakeholders. The program looks at a range of issues associated with radiological protection in mining including the latest science on radon risk, waste management practices, and best practice in the protection of the environment.

When: 19-21 November 2019 
Where: Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia.
Website: ICRP 2019
Registration Link: Registration

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