Bullying directed at apprentices continues to be a problem across many industries, with multiple employers charged each year – young workers and apprentices deserve a safe work environment and a mentally healthy start to their working lives.
Nicholas Sheehan, sole director of One Two Electrical Pty Ltd, is facing 17 charges under s.26(1) of the OHS Act for failing to ensure that the workplace under his control was safe and without risks to health, and 17 charges under s.25(1)(b) of the OHS Act as an employee of the company for failing to take reasonable care of persons whose health and safety may be affected by his acts or omissions.
The company has also received two charges under s.21(1) of the OHS Act. It is alleged that the company breached s.21(2)(a) of the OHS act by failing to provide and maintain safe systems of work, and s.21(2)(e) for failure to provide employees with information, instruction and training relating to workplace behavioural standards and the reporting processes available.
WorkSafe alleges that Mr Sheehan bullied, sexually harassed and directed work-related gendered violence at the apprentice between in 2022 and 2023, presenting a risk of psychological injury to the apprentice.
Both WorkSafe and OHSReps have many resources to assist employers to safely manage psychological hazards in the workplace, including bullying and work-related gendered violence –
Read more: WorkSafe Victoria -Charges over unacceptable behaviour towards apprentice