Hi Renata – I work at a school, last year we had two HSR’s- one for the teaching and one for the non-teaching DWGs. The teaching HSR is no longer working here, and we need to have an election for another HSR - do we keep the same DWG groups or have a deputy in my group? I presume we need to vote on that.
We also have new staff, so I am going to talk with all staff and put together a summary of what a HSR is for both representative matters and what the role involves for the prospective representative- I’ve looked online, but is there an easy-to-understand page I can print/ copy for staff? I’m fairly new to the role and want to promote the role/s as best I can.
Thank you for your question – it is a very common one, but critical to get right.
I’ll address the DWG question first – as referenced in s.43 of the OHS Act, designated work groups are to be determined by negotiation between the employer and employees. Some of the s.46 matters to be taken into account when determining how to break our workplaces down into DWGs are the type of work, people who do the same or similar work, the nature of the hazards, and the areas where the work is performed – all relevant in your situation. It is also helpful to have an HSR that has personal experience of the same work as the DWG members. Subject to the views of staff, I believe that the current arrangements, with one DWG for teaching staff and one DWG for non-teaching staff, are suitable and recommend not changing the DWGs.
Regarding some basic information for staff, try our HSR information booklet - OHS Reps. This document was handed out to the HSRs that attended last year’s HSR Conference as a handy tool to introduce themselves and their role to their DWG members. They print two-to-a-page and have a space for your name and contact details if you want to include them for your workmates.
If you are after some more detailed information about representation matters, including the formation or variation of DWGs, in our publication OHS_representation_book_-_Getting_OHS_representation_right. Leave a few copies of this publication around your workplace (e.g. lunchroom, change room) so that employees can browse through their rights and powers of representation!
Once you have determined your DWGs through negotiation, your employer should issue a written notice detailing the DWG particulars - we recommend that you also keep a record of such details as DWG name, description of which workers are covered by the DWG, number of HSRs and DHSRs on our DWG_record_form.
You can also find information here Health and safety representatives and here HSR Elections - OHSReps about the election process for HSRs. The employees of the DWG choose their voting method, and only DWG members can vote for the HSR they want.
When elections are complete, notify your employer – they are required to post an up-to-date list of each DWG’s HSRs and DHSRs.
And don’t forget to book in for good union HSR training at OHS Training Unit - We Are Union VTHC