I am an HSR and have an issue with a 2.8m wide corridor at my workplace which ends in a ‘t-intersection’, creating a ‘blind spot’. The corridor is used by several hundred workers each day. It has often been reported to me that workers have to take evasive steps to avoid a collision, and that this is creating a risk, particularly if they are carrying loads or are in a hurry.

 I wondered whether there are any office building regulations covering this issue.

 I had suggested to management that a mirror be placed to allow staff to see oncoming ‘traffic’, but the action taken was to remove some tables. I don’t think this sufficiently reduces the risk to staff. What do you suggest I do?

As an HSR you are probably aware that this is not specifically addressed in OHS legislation. However, it is absolutely covered under the employer’s ‘general duty of care’ to provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risks to health.

In terms of building regulations, Volume 1 of the National Construction Code (NCC) applies to commercial buildings and has requirements for dimensions of corridors, exits and so on. In Victoria, the Building Act 1993, Building Regulations 2018, and Plumbing Regulations 2018, give legal effect to the National Construction Code (NCC) requirements. In other words, the requirements are legal requirements for all builders. However, the NCC is primarily intended for new buildings and new work on existing buildings, but there are some exceptions.  

From the information you provided, it appears that the corridor in question is wide enough, however this does not negate the poor visibility issue given the number of users.

So where to next? There are a couple of things for you to consider:

  • Has your employer involved you in the risk assessment/control decision process?
  • Have there been any reports of incidents or near-misses arising from the layout of this corridor corner?

The removal of tables from this area is certainly an improvement. The suggestion of installing a mirror is certainly a valid and reasonable control and your employer should have consulted with you and provided you with reasons why they would have not chosen to implement this control. The Act and the regulations are very clear on what the employer must consult on and how they must consult, so far as is reasonably practicable (see: Duty to Consult, which has a Record of Consultation: a tool to ensure that your employer is complying with this crucial part of the OHS Act, and also this page which explains what the employer must do and has a very handy consultation email template you can use and adapt to formalise the process).

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