Steps and Stairs at work

There is nothing in OHS/WHS legislation that specifically addresses steps and stairs in the workplace. However, both employers and individuals in control of a workplace have a legal duty, under their general duty of care, to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

The specific regulations pertaining to the construction of stairways, platforms, landings, and similar structures are found elsewhere and are typically known to builders and architects. Steps and stairs must adhere to the National Construction Code (NCC), which has been designated as a building regulation by the states and territories of Australia.

It is worth noting that the NCC 2015 was adopted by the States and Territories on May 1, 2015. The NCC undergoes regular updates and amendments, with the current edition being NCC 2022.

The latest edition is now available on the NCC website. As the information on this page is intended for health and safety representatives (HSRs) and workers, employers and builders should seek specific guidance from qualified architects or other professionals with suitable expertise.

A list of amendments incorporated in NCC 2022 is also available to help determine if a technical change has occurred in NCC 2022 that would potentially cause the 2019 Guide commentary to be outdated.

Page Overview

Stairways in the workplace

The following is taken from the NCC Volume one - commercial buildings and is for information only - please check the NCC for more information.

 11.2.2 Stairway construction

-A stairway must be designed to take loading forces in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.1 and must have -

  1. not more than 18 and not less than 2 risers in each flight; and
  2. goings (G), risers (R) and a slope relationship quantity (2R + G) in accordance with Table 11.2.2a, except as permitted by (2) and (3); and
  3. constant goings and risers throughout each flight, except as permitted by (3) and (4), and the dimensions of goings (G) and risers (R) in accordance with (1), (2) and (3) are considered constant if the variation between—
    • adjacent risers, or between adjacent goings, is not more than 5 mm; and
    • the largest and smallest riser within a flight, or the largest and smallest going within a flight, is not more than 10 mm; and
  4. risers which do not have any openings that would allow a 125 mm sphere to pass through between the treads; and
  5. treads of solid construction (not mesh or other perforated material) if the stairway is more than 10 m high or connects more than 3 storeys

-In the case of a stairway serving only non-habitable rooms, such as attics, storerooms and the like that are not used on a regular or daily basis—

  1. the going (G), riser (R) and slope relationship quantity (2R + G) in accordance with Table 11.2.2a may be substituted with those in Table 11.2.2b; and
  2. need not comply with (1)(d).

-In the case of a stairway with winders

  1. a maximum of 3 consecutive winders in lieu of a quarter landing in a flight and a maximum of 6 consecutive winders in lieu of a half landing in a flight; and
  2. the going (G) of all winders in lieu of a quarter or half landing may vary from the going of the straight treads within the same flight provided that the going (G) of such winders is constant.

-The point of measurement of the going (G) in the slope relationship quantity (2R + G) for tapered treads and treads in spiral stairways as described in Table 11.2.2a (see Figure 11.2.2a, Figure 11.2.2b and Figure 11.2.2c) must be—

  1. for tapered treads, other than treads in a spiral stairway
    1. not more than 1 m in width, the middle of the unobstructed width of the stairway (see Figure 11.2.2b); and
    2. more than 1 m in width, 400 mm from the unobstructed width of each side of the stairway (see Figure 11.2.2c); and
  2. for treads in spiral stairways, the point seven tenths of the unobstructed width from the face of the centre pole or support towards the handrail side (see Figure 11.2.2d and Figure 11.2.2e).

-Riser and going dimensions must be measured in accordance with Figure 11.2.2f


In addition, the Australian Standard has been updated to be consistent with the NCC: AS 1657- 2013: Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders

NOTE: builders must check that any stairs to be constructed comply with the NCC and also ensure they are using the latest edition of the Australian Standard

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Guardrails and handrails in the workplace

The Australian Standard specifies that except where there is a fixed structure at a distance not greater than 100mm from the stairway stile, stairways and stairway landing shall be provided with guard railing on any exposed side.

The guard railing must be constructed to comply with one of the following requirements:

  • A top rail, supported by posts, parallel to the floor or slope of a walkway at a vertical height of not less than 900mm above the standing level of such a platform or walkway (where the fall height is significant, or where there may be wind forces, the height should be increased to at least 1000mm).
  • Where the guard railing is of post and rail construction there are requirements, such as distance between rails; OR
  • When it is constructed with welded mesh, supported by posts and provided with a reinforced top edge capable of withstanding the prescribed design loads

With regard to handrails (11.3.5):

    • Every stairway shall be provided with at least one handrail which shall have a smooth continuous top surface throughout the length of each stairway flight and have no obstruction on or above them that will tend to break a handhold.
    • Where the width of the stairway exceeds 1000mm, a handrail shall be provided on each side.
    • have the top surface of the handrail not less than 865 mm vertically above the nosings of the stair treads or the floor surface of the ramp.

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Slips, trips and falls in the OHS Act

Slipping, tripping or falling are risks that can be associated with steps and stairs, and can lead to serious injuries.  Under s21 of the 2004 OHS Act, the employer has a duty of care to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace - all potential hazards must be identified, the associated risk assessed and then controls introduced to eliminate or reduce those risks as far as practicable.

Also, under the Act (s26), persons who 'manage or control' workplaces must ensure that the workplace and the means of entering and leaving it are safe and without risks to health.

For more information, including advice to OHS reps, and links, go to the slips, trips and falls hazard information page.

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Updated August 2024