While we wait (and wait…….) for the Victorian Government to make our state’s Psychological Health Regulations, it is worth knowing that the Commonwealth Work Health and Safety (Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work) Code of Practice 2024 to support changes to work health and safety laws on psychosocial hazards and risks is now in force.
Employers under the Commonwealth jurisdiction (Comcare employers) should follow the code of practice to achieve compliance or use other control measures that provide equal or higher standards to those required in the code.
The new code contains practical guidance on WHS duties, hazard ID and risk management for the following psychosocial hazards –
- Bullying
- Harassment, including sexual harassment
- Job Demands – low and high
- Poor organizational change management
- Traumatic events and material – including vicarious
- Remote or isolated work
- Fatigue
- Poor physical environment
- Intrusive surveillance
- Lack of role clarity
- Low job control
- Job insecurity
- Poor support
- Violence and aggression
- Poor organizational justice
- Conflict or poor relationships / interactions
- Inadequate reward and recognition
Employers must follow the Hierarchy of Controls to manage psychosocial risks.
Read more: Psychosocial Hazards - OHS Reps | MANAGING PSYCHOSOCIAL HAZARDS AT WORK - OHS Reps