Hi-Tech Plumbing (Aust) Pty Ltd has been fined $14,000 for repeatedly putting workers at risk of a fall of more than 2 metres.
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On 7 September 2022 WorkSafe received a report of high-risk activity taking place at a worksite in Heathmont. A WorkSafe Inspector attended the 4x double storey townhouse construction site, where a person was observed on the first floor of townhouse 4 in the vicinity of a live edge, with no guard railing in place and a risk of a fall of more than 2 metres. The worker, an employee of Hi-Tech Plumbing, was installing box gutters on the lower roof. The WorkSafe Inspector also observed an unsecured extension ladder in a stair void which had allowed the worker to access the first floor of the townhouse. Two improvement notices were issued on the day - one for the risk posed by the live edge and one issued in relation to the stair void.
On 30 November 2022 when following up on the improvement notices the WorkSafe Inspector observed employees on the lower roof area of townhouse 3 with no fall protection in place. The Inspector also observed that access to the lower roof of townhouse 3 had been achieved via an extension ladder that was not secured in place and which did not extend 900mm past the roof line.
The Inspector issued an improvement notice to Hi-Tech Plumbing for not having a Safe Work Method Statement for the work their employees were performing, and the court imposed a $14,000 fine.
Read more - Prosecution Result Summaries and Enforceable Undertakings | WorkSafe Victoria