In a groundbreaking effort, an employment injury scheme piloted in the readymade garment sector in Bangladesh will now include commuting accidents as part of industrial accidents eligible for compensation payout.
As of July 1, workers injured while commuting to and from work will receive compensation under the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS). The decision was made by the EIS Governance Board, made up of employers, government officials, and workers' representatives. Claims for commuting accidents filed since June 21, 2022, will also be compensated.
The pilot scheme, launched by Bangladesh’s Ministry of Labour and Employment in 2022 with the International Labour Organization, provides compensation for medical treatment, rehabilitation, and income loss due to workplace injuries and diseases. The three-year project involves export-oriented RMG factories and aims to gather data on occupational accidents and build capacity for managing such incidents. It also offers long-term benefits like compensation for permanent disability or death.
More than 50 brands support the EIS by making small voluntary payments to enhance the fund, ensuring workers' families are protected against workplace injuries or deaths. These contributions are minimal but significantly benefit the workers and help brands manage reputational, legal, and operational risks. The scheme emphasises collective responsibility among government, employers, workers, brands, and investors.
Source: IndustriALL, 28 May