The Saskatchewan Employment Act mandates that all workplaces in Saskatchewan implement a Policy Statement and Prevention Plan (PSPP) by May 17, 2024, to address and eliminate Occupational Violence and Aggression (OVA). The amendment requires every employer in the province, regardless of industry, to have PSPPs in place, whereas previously only high-risk sector workplaces were required to do so.
Key requirements of a PSPP include a plan review and update every three years, identification of risks and work areas exposed to potentially violent incidents, informing workers about risks and any known history of violent individuals, specifying controls such as PPE, administrative measures, and engineering controls (like surveillance cameras), procedures for reporting and investigating OVA incidents, post-incident support, and training on recognising and responding to OVA.
Employers must consult with occupational health committees or representatives, or workers directly if no committee exists, when developing the PSPPs, which must be in writing, easily accessible to all employees, and available upon request, either physically or electronically. Learn more
Meanwhile, here in Victoria, we are still waiting for our psychological safety regulations.