Australian wharf workers at ten ports across the country will strike as part of an International Day of Action against QUBE Ports – they will be joined by international dockers movement representatives via live video conferences in the action. The stop works are in response to QUBE Ports’ refusal to bargain genuinely, with QUBE continuing to avoid serious safety, fatigue and work-life balance concerns during negotiations for a new enterprise agreement.
Despite QUBE profits increasing by 148% over the last four years as a result of improved productivity delivered by workers, management has refused to genuinely negotiate with their employees, with the primary dispute relating to hazardous fatigue, safety and work-life balance problems.
QUBE wharfies only find out if they are required to work at 4:00pm the day before the shift is due to commence and could potentially be dealt any one of twenty different shift start times with shift lengths between seven and twelve hours. This practice results in shifts start times that regularly commence within eight hours of the end of their last shift, poorly controlling fatigue risks. They are regularly swapped from evening shifts to day shifts and back.
These workplace conditions take an enormous toll on family life and make it practically impossible for employees to plan anything with their families.
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) members employed at QUBE’s bulk and general ports across Australia have been taking protected industrial action since September after EBA negotiations were repeatedly let down by management.