Timbertruss Geelong (a division of Bowen and Pomeroy Limited) is a manufacturer of prefabricated wooden trusses. In April 2022 a notifiable incident occurred in which a forklift with a rotating attachment fell onto its side while being operated by an employee.  

Timbertruss Geelong claims to be committed to a proactive safety approach, a ‘higher than required’ licencing and competency standard, and an “if you don’t know, don’t do it” safety culture.

The employees involved in the incident engaged in an extended series of ill-conceived actions which resulted in the forklift tipping over –

  • In the workplace were small wooden bins (spud bins) for collecting timber offcuts – these bins were periodically emptied into large white bins which are collected by an external contractor - There are also large blue dumpster bins for larger waste items
  • The spud bins are emptied using a Toyota forklift with a rotating attachment – the attachment only lifts spud bins, not blue dumpsters
  • Employee 1 wanted to empty a blue dumpster with the rotating attachment despite being advised by employee 2 that it was not usual practice
  • As employee 2 lifted the dumpster bin with the rotating attachment - it began to slip off the tynes and employee 1 tried to assist with a second forklift
  • Employee 3 arrived with a third forklift and also tried to help get the dumpster back on the tynes before leaving
  • Employee 1 and 2 then pulled their tynes out and tried to control the dumpster bin’s fall into a container bin
  • Employee 1 opened the container bin door and used the tynes to move the dumpster to the edge of the container bin, then placed it back on the ground
  • Employee 1 then tried to use the forklift with the rotating attachment to empty the dumpster bin – employee 2 said they should leave it and then walked away
  • Employee 1 continued to lift the bin, began to rotate it to empty it and then lifted it higher – as he did so the forklift tipped on its side and came to rest on a nearby forklift

Fortunately, the employee was wearing a seatbelt and was able to brace himself as the forklift tipped and so was able to exit the forklift without injury.

Timbertruss Geelong were charged with three offences related to s.21 of the OHS Act – a failure to provide a safe system of work, a failure to provide necessary instruction and training, and a failure to provide necessary supervision in relation to the use of the forklift with the rotating tyne attachement.  

WorkSafe has accepted the company’s commitment to five undertakings to be completed within 12 months – 

  • An upgrade to their forklift fleet including installing AI and sensory systems 
  • Development of an educational video on No Go Zones, including at least three information sessions delivered
  • Partner with Chisholm TAFE to deliver presentations to Cert III Mobile Plant Technology students about the incident and development of safe work methods
  • Partner with Deakin University’s ManuFutures program and the Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovations to conduct a research study assessing the feasibility of developing a tech-based safety system for nail guns
  • A donation of $10,000 to the Australian Institute of Health and Safety Body of Knowledge

Read more: Prosecution Result Summaries and Enforceable Undertakings | WorkSafe Victoria

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