The Victorian Government is under pressure to swiftly establish an independent expert panel to review the new WorkCover Scheme after an Upper House Committee found that there was insufficient consultation during the scheme's formation and urged the government to consult with relevant stakeholders before proceeding with the Bill.
The Committee highlighted concerns about the proposed definition of 'mental injury' and changes to eligibility for payments and compensation entitlements after received input from various groups during public hearings and written submissions, emphasising the need for meaningful engagement with unions, injured workers, and their advocates as well as business.
The full report, containing 20 recommendations and nine findings, is available on the Committee inquiry’s website.
Victorian Trades Hall Council Secretery, Luke Hilakari, tweeted yesterday:
‘Universally, experts from industry, health professionals, injured workers and unions had severe criticisms. It would be one of the more damning pieces of evidence I’ve seen into the consequences of a Bill.’
VTHC are calling on parliament to pull the proposed legislation, or amend it significantly.
Take action on ‘a dog of a bill’ by signing our WorkCover ‘reforms’ petition.