The ALPs 49th national conference wrapped up in Brisbane over the weekend.
Several workplace health and safety priorities were set, key amongst them, a resolution to ban on ‘silica-containing workplace products’.
Parliamentarians, members and unionists also agreed to:
- Address the increasing prevalence of psychological injuries at work
- Act on recommendations for preventing workplace sexual harassment
- Ensure union officials and HSRs can fulfill their functions free from obstruction or adverse treatment
- Focus on hazardous chemicals in workplaces
- Review workers' compensation programs
Additionally, the conference supported the idea of decriminalizing sex work ‘across all jurisdictions’ to ensure workers have proper safety protections and rights.
The resolution regarding silica exposure was strengthened to emphasize the need for coordinated efforts including an outright ban on manufacturing, using, and importing engineered stone products.
The amendment was achieved after experts and unions called for the bans and includes provisions for training workers about silica dust exposure and ensuring proper rights and support for those who develop illnesses due to exposure.