Regulator news

Victorian news

Three workers fall in past week

In a media release last week, WorkSafe says three led to the hospitalisation of three workers.

  • On Wednesday, a 28-year-old roof contractor was taken to hospital with a broken ankle and hip after he fell seven metres through a hole in a box gutter at an industrial construction site in Epping about 8.15am.The man was wearing a harness but it was not attached to anything when the incident occurred.
  • On the same day, a 63-year-old roof contractor fell about three metres from a ladder while inspecting a roof at a Frankston South residential unit about 4.30pm.He was taken to hospital with serious head injuries.
  • A man was also taken to hospital with lacerations and head trauma on Thursday last week after he fell about 2.7 metres from a balcony at a home construction site in Ivanhoe.

Inquiries into all three incidents are ongoing. WorkSafe Acting Executive Director of Health and Safety Barbara Hill said falls were a leading cause of serious injury and death in Victoria. "We urge all employers, principal contractors, contractors and workers who are working at height to review, and if required, revise their Safe Work Method Statements to ensure appropriate fall controls are in place." WorkSafe inspectors are targeting fall from height and scaffolding safety risks this summer to ensure all employers are meeting their obligations to protect workers. Read more: WorkSafe media release

WorkSafe issues warning at start of festive season

The regulator has sent out a bulletin warning: "The holiday season is fast approaching and it's more important than ever to focus on safety in the workplace. Don't make the holidays a season you'll want to forget." This is part of its Holiday Safety Campaign: a reminder for all Victorians to stay safe in the workplace.  In the past 10 years:

  • 22 per cent of all workplace deaths occurred in November and December
  • 51 lives were lost during the holiday season

Read more: Take time, take care, and stay safe for your loved ones

Safe Work Australia news

Fatality Statistics
SafeWork has updated its stats page since the last edition: as at December 5, the number of fatalities notified to national body was 152  - this is eight more fatalities than the previous update on November 21. Of the eight workers killed, three were from the construction sector The workers killed this year have come from the following industries: 

  • 54 in Transport, postal & warehousing (eight more since the last update)
  • 31 in Agriculture, forestry & fishing
  • 24 in Construction
  • 9 in Mining
  • 7 in Public Administration & safety
  • 6 in Electricity, gas, water & waste services
  • 6 in Manufacturing
  • 6 in 'Other services'
  • 3 in Arts & recreation services
  • 2 in Professional, scientific & technical services
  • 2 in Wholesale trade
  • 1 in Administration & support services
  • 1 in Healthcare & social assistance

To check for updates, and for more details on fatalities since 2003, go to the Safe Work Australia Work-related fatalities webpage and in particular, here.

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