Regulator news

WorkSafe Victoria News

New Safety Alert

WorkSafe has released a new Safety Alert: Precast pile falls from piling rig while being pitched after a recent incident in which a 4.5 tonne precast concrete pile struck a piling rigs leader (mast) when the lifting chain failed. The way in which the lifting chain was rigged to the pile resulted in the chain being stressed beyond its lifting capacity. The pile was lifted using a single leg chain sling, with a master link at each end, wrapped in a choke hitch around the pile. The incident occurred as the pile was being lifted from the ground into a vertical position, before securing it into the hammer helmet of the piling rig. The incident did not result in any injuries. 

The Alert goes through the safety issues and provides advice on how to control the risks. 

Reminder - Updated resource on working alone

The recently updated guidance “Working Alone and in Isolation” will be useful in these times when many workers are still working remotely.

Safe Work Australia news

New COVID-19 guidance 

Safe Work Australia has published new COVID-19 work health and safety guidance for workplaces.

Guidance for managing risks from COVID-19 is now available for:

Guidance for the Retail industry has also been expanded with additional information for shopping centres.

As noted in last week's SafetyNet, there is also a new Small business planning tool, outlining key steps and considerations for small businesses operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safe Work Australia also has a large amount of information for specific industries and workplaces. From this page there is information on vulnerable workers, mental health, working from home, cleaning and more. Some of the information is available in a large number of other languages - go to this page.

National Fatality Statistics 

Safe Work Australia has updated its workplace fatality statistics: as of June 18 there had been 86 worker fatalities notified to the national body - this is eight more since the last update on June 4. The fatalities were three in Agriculture, forestry & fishing, one each in Transport, postal & warehousing, Construction, Public Administration, Manufacturing, and in Health care & social assistance. We send our sincerest condolences to the families of these workers.  The fatalities this year have been in the following sectors:

  • 26 in Transport, postal & warehousing
  • 15 in Construction
  • 15 in Agriculture, forestry & fishing
  • 10 in Public administration & safety
  • 9 in Manufacturing 
  • 4 in Mining
  • 2 in Arts & recreation services
  • 2 in 'other services'
  • 1 in Accommodation & food services
  • 1 in Retail trade
  • 1 in Health care & social assistance

To check for updates, and for more details on fatalities since 2003, go to the Safe Work Australia Work-related fatalities webpage.

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