TONIGHT: Wednesday 9 September - Chemical Hazard Communication Network (CHCN) meeting
The DGAG bimonthly meeting is a general networking / discussion update meeting, open to all, to discuss issues that are going on for Dangerous Goods and Chemical Regulation at the moment. Richard Greenwood and Jeff Simpson have reminded us that there is a meeting of the CHCN tonight, Wednesday 9 September, at 5.30pm - 7.30pm AEST.
Like many meetings we are now participating in, the CHCN will be a Webinar Chat meeting. Join Zoom Meeting from 5.20pm using this weblink in your browser. If you have a Zoom account you can also join with: Meeting ID: 886 1236 8715 Passcode: 158089
The topics to be discussed will be:
Classification matters
Labelling and SDS issues
Chemical Hazard Communication Regulatory Matters
Australian, EU & USA Hazardous Chemical Management developments
Hazardous Chemicals - Evaluation / Issues / Incidents
Conferences, Workshops, Discussion Groups / Forums
For more information, contact Jeff Simpson (CHCN convenor and Webinar host), Haztech Environmental, Ph: 03-9885-1269 Mob: 0403-072-092, Email: [email protected]
Jeff can assist in setting up the Zoom meeting. Contact Jeff for instructions on how to join. Note from the organisers: "For transparency, we require that everyone attends with video on. Casual dress is acceptable and encouraged, but we want to ensure that those attending adhere to our meeting standards on not making recordings, and for that we need to confirm who you are. Attendees without their video being on, will not be permitted to remain in the meeting."
The following 5th DGAG meeting, will be on Wednesday 21 October 2020, also as a DGAG Webinar Discuss/Chat Meeting at 5.30-7.30 pm.