SafetyNet 584b
Welcome to the July 14 edition of SafetyNet.
If you're seeing this today, July 19, we're trying to correct an error in how the journal went up on the site. The COVID figures and general information given below are as at July 14 (so ignore them), and a new edition will be up on Wednesday.
In the latest COVID news: unfortunately there have been a few positive cases which have entered Victoria from NSW, so there is some concern that these remain in quarantine and all contracts traced. The number of new infections in NSW has continued to grow, with the lockdown extended for at least a further two weeks.
Visit our We Are Union: OHS Reps Facebook page for news, memes and more. If you have any questions or need any advice, we can be reached via the Ask Renata facility on the website or through the closed OHS Network Facebook page. If you have comments or want to send through any ideas, email us at [email protected]