The OSH Barometer is a tool managed by EU-OSHA and the European Commission. It shows information about work safety in Europe, covering things like working conditions, diseases related to work, accidents, and safety laws.
This tool collects data from different surveys done by European groups and international organizations like the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization. It compares information between countries or with the European average. It has been collecting data since 2010.
People using the tool can make their own graphs and download reports about specific topics or countries. It was first made between 2016 and 2020 and was updated in 2023 with new features, like showing accidents that cause long-term injuries.
EU-OSHA also published a report called ‘Occupational safety and health in Europe: state and trends.’ This report looks at trends in work safety over 20 years, pointing out where things have improved and where there are still problems, like laws not being followed or illegal work. There's also a shorter summary of this big report available.
Work on the the OSH Barometer is ongoing. They talk to experts every year to improve the tool. There are new things being added to the tool, expected to be ready by 2024.