Summit Pty Ltd operates an amusement park in Trafalgar, Victoria, known as 'the Camp,' which includes accommodation and outdoor adventure activities like the 'High Wire,' where participants walk on a wire suspended between trees while wearing safety gear.
If there's an emergency, Summit's rescue protocol involves trained responders climbing to the scene with specialized equipment to help. This protocol applies to all activities involving heights.
During a High Wire activity on February 11, 2020, a 13-year-old student's harness became entangled with the wire during her descent, causing her to rotate unexpectedly and her helmet strap to become entangled.
She couldn't breathe, became distressed, foamed at the mouth, and lost consciousness.
The facilitator's emergency call received no response. A teacher from the school group climbed up without safety gear to free the student, who was then taken to the hospital. Although physically recovered, the student was diagnosed with PTSD and requires ongoing therapy.
WorkSafe wasn't notified of the incident.
An employee informed WorkSafe that another incident had occurred on the same day, resulting in a student fracturing his ankle, which required surgery.
This incident was also not reported.
Summit was charged with not having adequate emergency protocols and failing to report incidents to the Authority. The Offender's rescue protocol failed to promptly assist patrons in emergencies, as rescuers were not nearby, and equipment wasn't stored nearby, prolonging rescue operations and posing further risks.
The court fined Summit a total of $110,000. Read WorkSafe's account of the prosecution here.