SafetyNet 565
February 22, 2021
Welcome to the third edition of SafetyNet for 2021.
We regret to inform you that another Victorian worker was killed in the past week.
On Monday this week the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines began in Australia. Many workers have questions about the vaccines: what are the vaccines, whether they are effective, who is getting the vaccine first, and much more. The VTHC OHS Unit held a Live Show on Victoria's Vaccine Program last night with two expert guests - if you missed it, check out the details below.
Visit our We Are Union: OHS Reps Facebook page for news, memes and more. If you have any questions or need any advice, we can be reached via the Ask Renata facility on the website or through the closed OHS Network Facebook page. If you have comments or want to send through any ideas, email us at [email protected]