SafetyNet 496
Hi there! Welcome to another stacked issue of SafetyNet. Big stories on fines for Allianz this week, as well as a call to action for our readers to help the ACTU effectively campaign for OHS legislation into the future by filling out their survey.
As always, your feedback helps to keep SafetyNet as useful for the OHS Network as possible. If you have any feedback on this week's edition on SafetyNet, please send it straight on to Sam at [email protected]. Love SafetyNet or hate it, we want to know about it. So don't hesitate to send your thoughts through.
To keep up to date and informed between editions of SafetyNet, go to our We Are Union: OHS Reps Facebook page, and for those who are HSRs and/or passionate about health and safety, join the OHS Network page, a safe place to raise and discuss issues: check it out and ask to join.