Reps in workplaces often find they're the ones actually 'doing' things - like doing workplace inspections, surveying members of their Designated Work Groups and so on. This section provides advice to reps on 'How to..." do certain things, such as assisting a DWG member with a workers' comp issue, measuring OHS performance in ways other than 'Lost time injuries', or developing a survey.
How to be a HSR, guides to common practices.
Measure health and safety performance
Page Overview Introduction to measuring health and safety performance Alternatives to outcome indicators Guidance on the development and implementation of positive performance indicators More Items...
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Develop a survey for your workplace.
Have you ever thought of conducting a survey of your membership to better understand the causes of identified problems and the effects on union members...
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Health at Work
Health at Work - What is it? There are many workplaces now considering introducing Health and Work programs or Health Promotion programs which seek to...
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Help a member with Workers' Compensation
The general advice provided below has been written to be useful to delegates/health and safety reps around Australia. You will need to contact your Union...
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Help a worker with a critical illness
Workers with cancer or other critical illnesses As an OHS rep or delegate, you may represent a worker who has been diagnosed with a critical...
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Fifteen things every unionist should know about OHS
This advice is reproduced from the AMWU's OHS Manual, and we think it's excellent advice. The twin goals of a union Health & Safety Program...
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