Behaviour Based Safety Programs

Behavioural Based Safety [BBS] is an approach to safety that focuses on workers' behaviour as the cause of most work-related injuries and illnesses. These programs have been introduced in some Australian workplaces. Below is a 5 part tool kit to provide information on what BBS programs are, what's wrong with them and what workers can do in their workplaces to combat them as these programs shifts the blame for unsafe work practices from employers and systems of work onto employees. 


This Kit is an amalgam of the work of many trade union and other health and safety activists, both here and overseas. Thanks to all of them for their ideas, work and dedication to improving worker health and safety.  Section 5 of the Kit has a list of useful resources and places to go for further reading.

Last updated May 2015

BBS Kit - Section 2: What can we do?
If your employer is looking at introducing these programs – what can you do? Be prepared: know what a Behaviour Based Safety program is, why...
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BBS Kit - Section 3: Exercises
In this section there are a number of exercises that will help you and the members make some judgements about Behaviour Based Safety Programs. Although...
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BBS Kit - Section 4: Background information
This section contains background information from a range of different sources.  It is designed to give reps and other interested people some more in-depth information...
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BBS Kit - Section 5: Resources
Resources As these programs become more widespread, so too do resources and articles debunking them.  Take a look at some of the material available: On...
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Behaviour Based Safety Kit Section 1: What are Behaviour Based Safety Programs?
Behavioural Based Safety is an approach to safety that focuses on workers' behaviour as the cause of most work-related injuries and illnesses. Promoters of behaviour-based...
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Behaviour Based Safety: An Overview
What is 'Behaviour Based Safety'?  Behavioural Based Safety is an approach to safety that focuses on workers' behaviour as the cause of most work-related injuries...
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