
Victorian Prosecutions

Ser Brothers fined $8,000 for falls 

Ser Brothers has been fined $8,000 plus court costs for failing to ensure that fall protection was properly installed after a 22 year old man fell 2.8 meters and sustained minor injuries on the 9th of November 2017. The young man fell from a balcony, which had three unprotected edges.

The company plead guilty to directing the contractor to carry out plastering works on the balcony ceiling despite knowing that there was no fall protection in place.

Full details can be found here:

Foundry fined $650,000 after worker's death

A Wodonga foundry and metal casting business has been convicted and fined $650,000 after a workers death.

WorkSafe Health and Safety Executive Director Julie Nielsen today said the incident was a tragic reminder of the catastrophic consequences that not having appropriate machinery and systems in place can have.

"Every family should expect that when their loved ones go off to work, their employer is doing their utmost to keep them safe."

Of course, this fine isn't enough to prevent negligence causing more workplaces deaths in the future. Only industrial manslaughter laws can achieve this. We will have more updates on the movements progress as we peruse industrial manslaughter laws in next weeks SafetyNet.

Full details can be found here:

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