Injured Workers Day 2021

Injured workers get a pretty raw deal - having to battle with insurance agents, being arbitrarily cut off from financial support and navigating the complex WorkCover system, all while trying to recover from a workplace injury.

For workers with a long-term injury, this process is even worse. 

We're fighting for a system that looks after injured workers and gives them the medical and financial support to recover and live in dignity.

As Victoria is under stage 3 restrictions we have moved our Injured Workers’ Day events online!
Join us for some online activism via Zoom starting at 11:00am to 11:45am: Please try to log in with a computer as you will need your phone to participate in the activity!
Log in to the live stream of the information session and panel discussion starting at 1:15PM via the Injured Workers Day Facebook page. Tune in, leave your comments and share the livestream so we can send the message to the Victorian Government that big changes are needed.
WHEN: 11am, Tuesday 1st June
WHERE: Facebook live, Injured Workers Day Facebook page
WHEN: 1:15pm, Tuesday 1st June

Will you join us to fight for a better deal for injured workers?

June 01, 2021 at 11:00am - 3:30pm

Will you come?