

The Victorian Trades Hall Council has a regularly updated "Register of consultants" who provide a range of OHS services to workplaces AND have signed the VTHC Agreement and Code of Conduct. The register is updated regularly, and any company can apply to be added to the register. Download the current VTHC Register of Consultants.

NOTE: The list is updated as necessary - the latest amendments were made in June 2018.  However, please let us know if you find any errors with the listings (eg contact numbers and so on).

By signing the VTHC Agreement, the consultancy firm undertakes to (in relation to the services provided at the workplace):

  • provide advice to the employer regarding their duties under the Victorian OHS Act, 2004, including their legal obligation to provide information to and consult with the OHS rep/s;
  • seek the involvement of the OHS rep/s
  • ensure reps are aware of any progress or final reports and recommendations, and provide summaries in lay terms;
  • be available to present the findings of their investigation at a forum for employees who may be affected, in consultation with the OHS rep/s.

The Code of Conduct establishes:

  • The Principles under which consultants will operate
  • The development of the project brief
  • The provision of information
  • Reports
  • Medical tests and biological monitoring

Important Note: While the VTHC OHS Committee is not in a position to guarantee the quality of work, it does monitor consultants' adherence to the Agreement and Code of Conduct and reserves the right to remove a company not complying. If you have any concerns that a consultant on the register has not adhered to any condition of the Agreement or the Code, please contact us at the Unit on 03 9659 3511.

The register has been updated to reflect the requirements of Asbestos Chapter of the 2017 OHS Regulations. The regulations require analysts who perform asbestos fibre counting or identify asbestos in samples to be NATA approved, and to issue findings as endorsed reports under the authority of a NATA accredited laboratory.

Last amended June 2018