Ask Renata

Ask a question and get advice from Renata at the VTHC OHS unit

Disclaimer: The materials on this website have been produced and distributed by the VTHC OHS Unit for information only, as is the advice provided in response to 'Ask Renata' queries. We do our best to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, but cannot take any responsibility for any loss arising out of its use. Our advice on employment and OHS law provides a general overview. Advice on legal and technical matters should be confirmed by those with appropriate qualifications. You should not rely on it applying in your own circumstances and should always take further advice.

Note: The Ask Renata Inbox will not be monitored from Friday 20 December 2024 to Monday 13 January 2025. If you have any urgent queries, we encourage you to call your Union directly, or WorkSafe.


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